Congress Acts: A Milestone for Building National Data Literacy

A bill of incredible value to the education of K-12 in digital literacy has entered the U.S. House of Representatives. Presented by a bipartisan party, it will soon be placed before the Committee on Education and the Workforce to be voted on. If it passes, $10 million annually will be authorized for an extensive range of critical investments in data science education. It would help fund multiple educational initiatives such as teacher training, research partnerships, curriculum materials, educational access to STEM, and more.

Before the bill could even be written, many associations, partnerships, coalitions, organizations, and industry leaders had to agree on the importance of digital literacy. This bill proves the significance of digital literacy and data science for future generations. 

But this goes beyond digital literacy or even data science as the educational system is struggling with a lack of teachers, dealing with setbacks in academic achievements as everyone had to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, and while providing education for more specializations in Computer Science like cybersecurity, quantum computing, and more, and not lose sight of Computer Science education as the foundational step for these specializations and in digital literacy.

This bill is something that everyone has to keep supporting as the economy slowly pivots away from pandemic recovery to innovation. To make sure that there is no student left behind, no matter where they come from. 

For more information on National Data Literacy and to pledge your support, please read this article: Congress Acts: A Milestone for Building National Data Literacy

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